Intensive Online Training Workshop on Educational Inferences from Quran and Sunnah with Prof. Dr. Dawood Al Hidabi

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 Dear friends,

Assalamu alaykum wrh. wbt.
Please kindly join us for an Intensive Online Training Workshop on Educational Inferences from Quran and Sunnah with Prof. Dr. Dawood Al Hidabi. Details of the workshops are as follows:
Intensive Online Training Workshop on Educational Inferences from Quran and Sunnah with Prof. Dr. Dawood Al Hidabi
Date: 12-13 December, 2020 (Saturday-Sunday)
Time: 02:30 PM – 04:30 PM Kuala Lumpur (09:30 AM – 11:30 AM Makkah)
Who should attend: Educators, Parents and Community Leaders
Free Admission with E-Certificate of Attendance.
Module 1: Educational Inferences from Quran and Sunnah

- The concept of education and educational system in Islam.
- Educational Inferences Methodology from Quran and sunnah.
- The role of integrated and interdisciplinary team for making more effective inferences.
- Application of using the methodology in few examples from Quran and Sunnah.
Please kindly register to receive ZOOM ID and link at +60193326274 (Bro Shahran) via WhatsApp/Telegram or join our temporary moderated WhatsApp groups at or .
May Allah swt guide and bless us all. 
Wassalamu alaykum wrh wbt.
Your brother,
Shahran Kasim
Prof. Dr. Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya Al-Hidabi (born 7 April 1955) is a Yemeni researcher. Founder and Former President of University of Science and Technology, Sana'a from 1994 to 2007. He is also the Founder and President of the International Association for Talent Development. Al-Hidabi studied at the Sana'a University (Bachelor of Physics / Chemistry 1977) with honors and Postgraduate Diploma in teaching Physics (P.G.C.E) in 1980 at Jordanhill College, He gained his Master of Science 1982 in Educational Research Methods and Doctor of Philosophy 1986 at University of Stirling. He is currently a Professor at the Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia

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  1. MashAllah information much needed in our current time and situations.
